Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The CEO makes in one day what the worker earns in a year

Seymour Hogg, CEO of Hogg Universal, LLC knows more about class than an Atlantic City street walker.  Here Hogg explains what class warfare is all about:

Hogg -- The TARP bailout cost $700 BILLION.  So what?  That's US capitalism – corporations get the gold, taxpayers get the losses.  It's also welfare … for multi-nationals that off-shore profits and ship jobs to India.  So what?  It's class warfare.

AIG received $183 BILLION in taxpayer money; $1.2 BILLION went to AIG executive bonuses.  Bonuses for what?  Destroying our economy, somebody had to do it.  So what?  It's class warfare.

In 1990 the average CEO made 108 times what the average worker in the CEO'S company made.  Today the average CEO makes 319 times what the average worker earns, that means the CEO makes in one day what the worker earns in a year.  In other industrialized countries CEO compensation does not exceed 40 times that of a worker.  So what?  It's class warfare.

In 1998 the average CEO salary was $2.3 million, by 2007 it had risen to $11.7 million.  That's a fivefold increase in nine years. The average American hasn't seen his purchasing power increase in twenty years: it's the same today as in 1992, adjusted for inflation.  So what?  It's class warfare.

The average long term retirement benefit for a US CEO is $83.6 million.  Benefits for cops, fire fighters, teachers and nurses are too high.  So what?  It's class warfare.

In 2005 the average 401K was worth $102,000, by 2009 its value dropped to $64,000, yet that doesn't prevent politicians like Paul Ryan from trying to hand over the Social Security Fund to Wall Street.  So what?  It's class warfare.

Presidential candidate, man-of-the-people, dog abuser, Mitt Romney keeps his money stashed in Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts, safely hidden from nosey serfs.  So what?  It's class warfare. 

TRUTH is the first casualty … of class warfare.

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